LandLore: Positive Direction For All Of Your UK and International Real Estate
A snapshot of projects and cases directed by us across the UK and Internationally:
Appointed as interim Global Head of Property for an iconic British fashion retailer; responsible for c.90 stores across UK, Ireland, Europe, US, Middle East and Asia; delivered 9 new stores in time to add £1.1m+ extra forecast sales and 50% extra EBITDA v. budget; prepared property strategy for the board and stakeholders which was very well received; developed extensive new stores pipeline; oversaw all property aspects of DC disposal and acquisition project plus all other portfolio strategy and management issues across all territories; directed internal and external cross-functional teams; spotted and realised an opportunity in US to save the business c.US$1m
Instructed by a £24m joint venture to review its acquisitions set-up, assess its fitness for purpose and recommend improvements to strategy and structure ahead of its launch of their industry-leading pick up/drop off (PUDO) business
Asked by a leading regional food retailer to direct their exit from a surplus department store; involved navigating a complex, conditional break clause scenario with wary landlord and sub-tenant
Provided strategy, process and tools to establish defensive planning services for a major international health & leisure brand – with intelligence on competitor activity integrated into the wider business; also looked at exit strategies for surplus premises
Directed property and planning for a 70+ acre regionally significant distribution development site
Previously worked for a major national food retailer with 1,400 stores and 2,000+ property interests, directing a very wide range of matters, a sample of which is set out below:
Property Portfolio Strategy
- Led lease negotiations for the acquisition of a portfolio of 118 properties; oversaw post-completion property management and subsequent integration into wider portfolio systems and processes
- Directed business intelligence for a client – monitoring competitors’ property activity via multiple data sources; used key data and analysis from this workstream to inform strategic decisions for the business – whether mitigating threats or seizing opportunities
General Third Party Threats To Business
- Protected business from major interruptions to delivery route during extensive tram route construction works; this was achieved by setting up and proactively managing discussions with the public sector-owned company responsible for delivering the project
- Directed a delicate political situation centred around a proposed flood alleviation scheme that impacted upon trade premises; held negotiations with the Environment Agency and the local MP and agreed compensation terms; the matter required detailed examination of the design of the works and practical solutions to be proposed to various issues; the business’s future trade potential and customer perception of the business’s involvement with the scheme were kept in focus throughout
- Established strong working relationship with a council’s preferred developer for a scheme adjacent to client’s business; the business was under threat from a separate potential cpo scheme; created opportunity for the business to acquire new premises in neighbouring scheme

Compulsory Purchase Orders
- Negotiated £4.5m settlement for total extinguishment of business by a mixed use town centre redevelopment scheme; worked with leading forensic accountants on valuation issues
- Negotiated £2.5m extinguishment settlement and a defined period of continued occupation of premises pending redevelopment of city centre shopping mall
- In light of major city centre redevelopment proposals, considered all options for client including working up an alternative scheme design with an architect and exploring all relocation opportunities; succeeded in delaying CPO scheme; possession of premises and compensation claim pending
- Exposed major weakness in proposals that were ancillary but fundamental to a CPO scheme resulting in a strong negotiating position despite premises falling outside CPO boundary; settlement terms confidential
Planning Inquiries
- Secured refusal of planning permission for a 55,000sqft+ out of centre mixed use scheme that would have caused a significant adverse impact on the town centre and existing businesses – we were successful both at first instance and on the applicant’s appeal
- Secured refusal of permission for a 30,000sqft edge of centre retail scheme both at first instance and at appeal – protecting the town centre and existing businesses for over 5 years
- Succeeded in having two separate out of centre superstore applications ‘called-in’ by the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and secured the refusal of one of those applications at the inquiry that would otherwise have set a national precedent contrary to planning policy
Contested Lease Renewals
- Brought to light a landlord’s unrealistic timescales for intended redevelopment and secured an additional four years of trading for the tenant’s business
- Achieved delay to landlord’s redevelopment scheme by exploring technical issues concerning where the benefit of an old option for a new lease might lie; new lease ultimately secured for the tenant